Brother "English" gets a "G" for gestures.
compound complex
JoinedPosts by compound complex
Irma Message
by wifibandit ingreetings brothers,.
the branch committee has prepared an encouraging video meant to encourage and reassure those affected by the recent storm.
please note that this link or any images from the video are not to be posted to the internet or any social media.. irma message - english.
It's Alright to Give Up
by truth_b_known ini recently watched this john cedars video and it really moved me.
i just wanted to share it..
compound complex
I recall from an explanation in AID TO BIBLE UNDERSTANDING that there are hope, expectation, and desire.
One might desire what is not good, working to one's disadvantage; one is in expectation of what will never occur, i.e., a false promise; however, one has hope in what the Bible foretells and is not disappointed upon seeing the fulfillment of Jehovah's word. When the thing hoped for arrives, then hope has accomplished its goal. There is no further need for "hope."
There has been significant alteration in my outlook toward the future.
Love Affair with Books
by compound complex intruest love, ever near, from my spring till winter.. your warm, supple skin is sheer delight to my touch.. gliding fingers up and down your spine tell me .
that, truly, heaven’s gates have opened to me.. treasures long hid from me cause my heart to.
melt as your trove of precious thoughts works .
compound complex
Thank you for what you have contributed; the latter, in particular, is new to me.
Somewhat similar is collocation, the placement of words side-by-side in commonly used expressions:
strong coffee
stiff drink
stricken spirit
blithering idiot
make the bed
set the table
hearty appetite
Love Affair with Books
by compound complex intruest love, ever near, from my spring till winter.. your warm, supple skin is sheer delight to my touch.. gliding fingers up and down your spine tell me .
that, truly, heaven’s gates have opened to me.. treasures long hid from me cause my heart to.
melt as your trove of precious thoughts works .
compound complex
That's a start, i.e., writing for the papers!
Don't sell yourself short, LUHE, because you surely do have an ear for words and their effective placement in verse. I am too undisciplined, as well as disinclined, to do metered poetry.
Prose poetry is written like prose, in paragraphs rather than verse, but contains the characteristics of poetry, such as poetic meter, language play, and a focus on images rather than narrative, plot, and character. Meter is the rhythm of a poem, including syllables per line and which syllables are emphasized.May 18, 2015 -
Love Affair with Books
by compound complex intruest love, ever near, from my spring till winter.. your warm, supple skin is sheer delight to my touch.. gliding fingers up and down your spine tell me .
that, truly, heaven’s gates have opened to me.. treasures long hid from me cause my heart to.
melt as your trove of precious thoughts works .
compound complex
Thank you, LUHE, for that beauty by CJ. Interesting that I should care for two Japanese Maples for a client.
What he wrote perfectly summarizes my feelings, both physically and emotionally, as I wane. Little do I wax any more. I sense the drain and happily told a friend this morning I actually have the weekend off, for once.
Yet, no longer anticipating a New World of perfect health for eternity, I am content to while away my days in manageable income-producing activity with free time to spare.
Thank you for mentioning encouraging others to write. My students in creative writing class just love expressing themselves and it's all I can do to keep up as I correct their papers and urge them to write more and more and . . .
Love Affair with Books
by compound complex intruest love, ever near, from my spring till winter.. your warm, supple skin is sheer delight to my touch.. gliding fingers up and down your spine tell me .
that, truly, heaven’s gates have opened to me.. treasures long hid from me cause my heart to.
melt as your trove of precious thoughts works .
compound complex
Thanks for explaining the why and wherefore of your poem.
Much of what we write comes from a not-so-good place. If I hadn't suffered through divorce and my questionings about who I am, there would be a huge blank spot on CC's account. My poetry of that particular epoch sprang from anguish:
"You gutted my heart and let me die of love's sweet poison."
I'm quite all right now emotionally and find -- sadly? -- I have spilled that grief in full and have nothing more to say . . .
Your apt use of metaphor takes you from the realms of commonplace prose into the stratosphere of sublime poetic expression. Like your use of seasons, I referred to my spring till winter to illustrate my lifetime love of books.
BTW, are you familiar with "prose poetry" and how you might expand into an even broader field of self-expression?
The Musician and the Fan
by compound complex inthe fan's request: .
why, my love, have you played upon my heart as you .
would four strings set at intervals apart?.
compound complex
The Fan's Request:Why, my love, have you played upon my heart as youwould four strings set at intervals apart?Such are the distances that separate me from you:my heart, my soul, my mind, my resolve . . .Never could these four blend into a consonance thatmight afford my life some rest and tranquility.You cannot simply make innocent music as do themusicians of mediocrity: you have created fire,You have conjured spirits without number; yourbody has become a writhing machine possessed.You bring down the house along with my onceplacated expectations that nothing couldEver sweep me away, forcing a burning desirethat I be the instrument upon which you play.The Musician's Reply:Do you, My Love, hear the music that plays unique for you?I sense an effete populace that hangs upon the sonorousWailings of the violon that at one with me has become, butYou -- you like a queen enthroned in the balcony above --Will you descend upon the wings of Cupid himself to takeYour place at my side as together we enwrap ourselves inThe sweetest and most passionate musical embrace thatE'er has graced the stage and within the Proscenium falls? -
Love Affair with Books
by compound complex intruest love, ever near, from my spring till winter.. your warm, supple skin is sheer delight to my touch.. gliding fingers up and down your spine tell me .
that, truly, heaven’s gates have opened to me.. treasures long hid from me cause my heart to.
melt as your trove of precious thoughts works .
compound complex
Dear LoveUniHateExams:
Brilliant in its brevity and imagery! There is no dead wood (which I continually hack from my forest of excess verbiage). When I originally wrote my poetry, it was here, on JWD, and over a span of nearly a dozen years. I had thirty minutes to edit. So, go figure!
Please DO write more and inspire us, whether here or your own thread. If you write it out first on, say, Notepad (Yahoo) or your e-mail account (and send it to yourself), you can perfect it before posting here.
Gratefully, . . .
Love Affair with Books
by compound complex intruest love, ever near, from my spring till winter.. your warm, supple skin is sheer delight to my touch.. gliding fingers up and down your spine tell me .
that, truly, heaven’s gates have opened to me.. treasures long hid from me cause my heart to.
melt as your trove of precious thoughts works .
compound complex
I hate reading.
No, it's not that I hate reading itself because I love stories. Stories that take me somewhere outside of my miserable life. Life in Montrose is as boring as it gets and since Mom hardly ever lets me out of her sight since "it" happened. Granny lives with us and she's blind but loves the Good Book so guess who has the lovely job of reading Scripture to her EVERYDAY? That would be yours truly. Well, she's sweet to me though she's not too keen on Mom as Adela -- Granny -- is my loser father's mother. He walked out on us six months ago and Granny blames Mom, but I don't feel that's entirely fair.
Anyway, I read to her after the breakfast dishes are cleared up and put in the sink. We're in the Psalms now and Granny says she loves my voice and how I put feeling into the laments of David, who was probably a bigger sinner than me but God spared him. I try to focus on the Lord's words for Granny's sake because she has nothing but Mom and me and she calms down when I take her by the hand through the Valley of the Shadow of Death but we come out on the other side.
She loves me so much, so she says. I can't let her down because she talked me into staying alive after my bad sin. I can't help it. I see them out there while I'm reading words of peace and love and they want me to follow them to do bad things. I couldn't help it one day and put the Bible down and said to my granny that I had to go check on something outside.
I followed them . . . we went into the woods. . . .
Love Affair with Books
by compound complex intruest love, ever near, from my spring till winter.. your warm, supple skin is sheer delight to my touch.. gliding fingers up and down your spine tell me .
that, truly, heaven’s gates have opened to me.. treasures long hid from me cause my heart to.
melt as your trove of precious thoughts works .
compound complex
That's all right, Nancy! What matters is that you are inspired to write.
Best Wishes!